Bas van Schaik

I read about any decent non-fiction book that I can get my hands on. Here's a list of books I highly recommend. I usually check the reviews on Amazon, and then order the book on Book Depository (which is way cheaper).

Skin in the game - Nassim Nicholas Taleb

Thinking fast and slow - Daniel Kahneman

The world until yesterday - Jared Diamond

Business adventures - John Brooks

Antifragile - Nassim Nicholas Taleb

When - Daniel Pink

Digital gold - Nathaniel Popper

How many friends does one person need? - Robin Dunbar

Diplomacy - Henry Kissinger

Where the money is - Bill Rehder

Algorithms to live by - Brian Christian

Narconomics - Tom Wainwright

Rework - David Heinemeier

Getting to yes - Roger Fisher

Grunt - Mary Roach

The effective executive - Peter F. Drucker

The intelligent investor - Benjamin Graham

Debt - David Graeber

The black swan - Nassim Nicholas Taleb

Fooled by randomness - Nassim Nichalos Taleb

Guns, germs and steel - Jared Diamond

The checklist manifesto - Atul Gawande

Meditations - Marcus Aurelius

23 things they don't tell you about capitalism - Ha-Joon Chang

Watching the English - Kate Fox

Bad science - Ben Goldacre

The pinch - David Willets

The code book - Simon Singh

What do you care what other people think? - Richard Feynman

Surely you're joking mr. Feynman? - Richard Feynman

A mathematician reads the newspaper - John Allen Paul

Spillover - David Quammen

The selfish gene - Richard Dawkins

Liars and outliers - Bruce Schneier

59 Seconds - Richard Wiseman

In search of stupidity - Jay Chapman

The antivirus hacker's handbook - Joxean Koret

High output management - Andrew Grove

Dollars and sense - Jeff Kreisler & Dan Ariely

Anything you want - Derek Sivers

A guide to the good life - William Irvine

The strange death of Europe - Douglas Murray

Prisoners of geography - Tim Marshall

Rejection proof - Jia Jiang

I contain multitudes - Ed Yong

This is going to hurt - Adam Kay

How not to be wrong: the hidden maths of everyday life - Jordan Ellenberg

Make your bed - William H. McRaven

The great degeneration - Niall Ferguson

Designing your perfect house - William Hirsch

Win bigly - Scott Adams

The management myth - Matthew Stewart

You, your child and school - Kevin Robinson

What every BODY is saying - Joe Navarro

Factfulness - Hans Rosling

Unnatural causes - Dr. Richard Shepherd

Network attacks and exploitation - Matthew Monte

The Vory: Russia's Super maffia - Mark Galeotti

Pre-suasion - Robert Cialdini

The Circadian Code- Dr. Satchin Panda

Behave - Robert Sapolsky

Sandworm - Andy Greenberg

The Hacker and the State - Ben Buchanan

Building design for hot climates - Allan Konya

Active measures - Thomas Rid

To catch a spy - James Olson

The attention merchants - Tim Wu

Intrusion detection honeypots - Chris Sanders

True or false - Cindy Otis

Divided - Tim Marshall

Upheaval - Jared Diamond

Never split the difference - Chris Voss